Of 30 days challenges...

I was browsing my usual blog reading list this morning and came across this inspiring TED talk by Matt Cutts on trying something new for 30 days. (http://www.ted.com/talks/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days.html) What a simple but powerful idea! It talks about simple but sustainable changes for 30 days as a way to build habits whether you want to add or give up something from your life.

I have been having this feeling of being stuck in a mental rut for a while now - everything is great but something that challenges me personally is missing. Sometimes I wonder if this is because we live in the US - all your basic needs are met, the quality of life is amazing, everything is at your fingertips so you finally have time to set personal goals for yourself. I think that's good....this itch to grow. When I was living in India 3 years ago, mundane things like the day to day hassles of just getting to work and back occupied my days...there was hardly any time to think about what I wanted to do. Then maybe, I am just stuck in a rut :)

I have decided to start small and do three things for my first 30 day challenge...these are things that I already do in some way, shape or form but have been unsuccessful in making a habit of even though all 3 things will have lasting benefits on the quality of my life. Here goes:

  1. Waking up at 6 am each morning: Sounds pretty simple but if you are me - not. Ask my husband or my boss who sees me walk in at 8.30 am each day.
  2. Some form of work-out each day for 30 minutes: Gym, classes, hiking, walk, anything
  3. Meditating 20 minutes each day: Important for my sanity and those around me...refer # 1
So, whats your 30 day challenge?


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